Apr 05, 2005 23:39
So, this has been on my heart a lot lately. like the past couple months. there is a girl at my work that had said some not nice things about the music minister at my church and I kept my cool and kindly asked her not to talk about him like that and so on. so, yesterday, out of nowhere she talks crap again and I could not hold it because I'm tired of people's insensitivity, close-mindedness, and rudeness. so, I don't hold anything back. i said she doesn't need to talk about someone she doesn't know; that she has no idea how hard it is to try to please everybody (if you are, you're doing something wrong anyway): how church was not about the songs, it is about God, how everybody needs to get out of their comfort zone and open their minds, and how great of a man he is and how much he has to go through because of people's useless and immature "comfort." If people are so focused on what songs we sing and if they like them or not, THEIR FOCUS IS IN THE WRONG PLACE!!! what shocks me the most, is that these people are older than me, "supposed" to be mature and stronger Christians, yet they cause a riot and are so close-minded about what songs we sing! they need to grow up focus on GOD! it makes me sick! anyhow, she didn't say a word today after I told her that I didn't appreciate her talking crap about someone she doesn't even know. I wrote this because I think it's an issue that needed to be brought up. people suck..a lot. he's awesome and he needs more encouragement.