[Title] Peaceful
[Fandom] Fullmetal Alchemist
[Pairing] Al+Scar
techno_beat → Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist, Pairing: Al/Scar, Dialogue: "Do you like cupcakes?", Extra: sunflowers
[Genre] General, kinda fluffy romance?
[Rating] G
[Summary] Alphonse brings scar to Resembool.
[Word Count] 184
[Spoilers] None.
[Author] Fic Journal →
teagueful ← Personal Journal.
shiny_lights[A/N] Haha, I kinda suck at Al/Scar. Oh well. I love you,
techno_beat. I hope you're happy. :)
So peaceful here, thought Scar as he stood in the middle of a field of sunflowers. He had been brought here, a country side town called Resembool, by his boyfriend. . .
He felt at ease here. There was nobody to judge him for being attracted to the young 13 year old and he didn’t have to worry about prejudices. It was a place place for him. A place for him and Alphonse.
Speaking of the blond, here he came, carrying a large plaid blanket and a picnic basket.
“Scar!” he called, smiling a bright and happy smile that warmed Scar from the inside out. “Let’s sit over here.”
Scar silently left the tall sunflowers and followed Al to a grassy area underneath a large willow tree. He helped the younger boy lay out the blanket before settling down.
“Do you like cupcakes?” the boy asked. Scar said nothing, but smiled very slightly as he took the cupcake offered to him. “I baked them myself. . .”
Alphonse sighed contentedly, leaning against Scar as he ate his cupcake and enjoyed the warmth of the mid-afternoon sun.