Now For a Mellow Mood.......

Jul 02, 2004 20:36

(A little Glen Miller in the background....) Well, I'm nice and mellow, gang....My wife's at her mother's (100 miles away) and my son is house sitting for some friends, so I have a glass of wine in my hand (White Zinfandel) and I'm gonna kick back, watch a DVD or two and chill....I'm at a point in mixing all of the CD's that I'm working on that I can take a break. And by golly, I'm going to.

I'm happier than I've been in years...I really don't know why...I just am. I'm very content with my life right now...Work is good and fulfilling, my wife and I are getting along crazy clients creating turmoil in the studio; so gang, I'm gonna drink a bottle of wine over the next five hours or so and just say, "To Hell" with the world. Those of a similar persuasion are cordially invited to join me....

I wish you love and peace in your hearts..

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