I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience in your "home" church....I had much the same experience in the little Baptist chuch that I attended as a child. Too many times, pastors, priests and church elders really just don't "get it" when it comes to attracting and keeping young people in the church. I left the church when I turned 16 and never looked back until I was 37. My wife made me go to this little Assemblies of God church and, for once, I actually had a "religious experience".....I won't go into detail here but suffice it to say, it brought this pot-smoking, long-haired Rock and Roller to a place where I felt, for once, there was a God that loved me, touched me and needed me....as much as I needed Him. I've litterally been reborn... so much that I immediately quit all drugs without one side effect and, little by little, my life got smoother and much more fulfilling. I have strong, faithful friends that are there for me and, better still, I'm there for them.
It's good that you've found something that fills that spiritual void that we all have....but I do have a question or two..... What do you believe happens to your spirit when you die? Are there things that one has to do to reach that goal? What are your rituals? (Just honestly curious, I wonder about the structure and strictures)
i've found that some priest had it and others, i really wondered why they were there to begin with.... as far as when you die, i beleive in reincarnation... i believe that there are lessons to be learned in life and that we keep on coming back till we have learned those lessons... and from there we go to a whole new place...(i guess i would look at it as a heaven in some sense) and to reach that.... live each day to it's fullest... basicly be a good human being.. learn the lessons that are presented to us each day... we have a law, everything you do will come back to you three folds.... it's basicly the same as the golden rule... and our rituals.... they are very earth bond... our wedding was a hand fasting in which was in the form of a circle w/ four friends standing at s/e/w/n... which also represented the four elements, fire,water,air,earth... and we called to the elements for their blessings of our marriage. our rituals are usually done in cordinance of the moon, full/new... which i do private... and then of course the seasons... which we reflect on our lives, and remember the mother earth and father sky for they provide us with life... our wedding was a full size wedding, and we were a bit nervous because neither of our family's are pagan... instead catholics, born again (my mother), greek orthodox, you get the idea... and after the ceremony we had so many people come up and compliment us on it... they never seen one before and said it was the most beautiful and unique ceremony they have seen... yes, some people do nudity because they believe it brings them closer to the earth... and many people believe that beltaine is about sex/orgies which it isn't... it's about fertility of the earth... i personally believe in the existance of christ, i just do not pray to him... i know that some pagan's don't believe in his existance at all... i've found that this one is more of a personal/family religion where you are able to think and meditate on your own ideas and questions without have a strong figure over head saying if you are right or wrong... especially, when you have questions about that figure to begin with... like you said before, it's all "faith"
It's good that you've found something that fills that spiritual void that we all have....but I do have a question or two..... What do you believe happens to your spirit when you die? Are there things that one has to do to reach that goal? What are your rituals? (Just honestly curious, I wonder about the structure and strictures)
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