Jul 17, 2007 03:26
When I had lost my cds, I decided to try and burn the handful that were stored on my pc. My sister had urged me to do it as soon as I could, since, "once you make copies, you'll find them".
Well, after burning what I had and downloading a program to get the music off my iPod and back onto my computer, guess what I found less than two hours after finishing?
Honestly, I'm not even annoyed that I spent so much time doing it. I don't mind having copies, the program I now have is still useful, and I have my goddamn cds back. GLEE! (They were in a bag within a box, btw. The bag that I never use but did for two weeks because I had to leave it in the nasty back room of my old job, and in the box because I got the new job so I wasn't using the bag anymore. In case you were wondering. Which you weren't.)
Anyways, HP5 on Thursday with Sarah was lots o' fun. The movie was very good, although I don't know if someone who hadn't read the book would've understood it all. It was a lot to cram into one movie. And I saw other people! That I knew! Good times.
I really should go to the movies more. Perhaps if the drive wasn't so long/I wasn't so broke. But there's gonna be a movie based off Stardust and another based off His Dark Materials. My inner book geek demands I go. (High hopes for the first, very low for the second, unless they fixed it so there's an actual plot like in the book instead of making it into a kiddie movie.)
And now HP7 comes out on Saturday, and I sincerely hope they're not gonna make me work on Sunday. It seems I might have stuff I gotta do Saturday, which means I'd be reading all night, and not getting any sleep. Boo. Well, not that I generally mind doing that, and not that I don't do it all the time, but it's not so much with the good if I have to get up the next day.
Lookit me, making actual consistent updates. The mind, it boggles.