Title: What you don't want
Pairing: Sehun/Luhan
Word Count: 1,821
Genre: PWP
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It is a constant routine and as much as Luhan says he doesn't want this, that things need to stop, they just won't. This time, things go a bit farther.
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wow, omfkwf okey i really, really loved this.
even though it's smut, it's still so cute lekgnklaeng (i always say cute but okey i mean it)
luhan sounds so adorable trying to be all 'no idnw this, nO' but in reality he totally wants it :DDD
omfekg and i love how sehun knows that he wants it and it's so eklgnklagnklvmelg i was almost blushing omg okeyogkoegg
i think that the cute i see in this is that i like that this ship has the older one being so cute and nlekgvnakleg bottom, while the youngest is the kngklaemlkeg ugnfkleg top :DDDDDD
did that even make sense.. but okey, i really liked it ;U;U;
i'd love to read some more, it was very good <3
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