Jan 04, 2007 23:52

First off some doodles of Deidara in Etons with an eyepatch, because konohacollege preys on my brain and makes me draw him.


This is my Gaia avatar. His name is Norton. He is a curious tentacle fellow possibly from the dark realms of Cthulhu and the Old Ones. He likes sushi, Simon and Garfunkel, frightening infants, devouring the elderly, and cement. He has no anti-virus capabilities; on the contrary, where possible he actively spreads SARS. He exists in this realm as some sort of punishment. Nobody is sure if the clothes he wears are part of the punishment, or if it is just that he has no taste.

I dunno, I felt like drawing Sasori in dem Suna robe t'ings and then I wanted to draw Deidara too, so Deidara is complaining about them being heavy and stupid and uncomfortable and Sasori is amused.

I don't know why they're wearing them >_> Maybe they're being undercover or something. Never mind the fact that Deidara's obviously never been to Suna before when he's there to grab Gaara, or that Sasori dressed like that would be about as undercover as three lionesses at a gazelle party.

kingdom hearts, sketchbook, akatsuki, kc, pen, miscellaneous, naruto (fandom), deidara, sasori, photoshop

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