(no subject)

Jan 25, 2006 00:09

So I can kinda tell that my roomate thinks its wierd that I watch Oprah so much. She sites over at her computer while I'm watching it and every time something exciting starts happening she leans back and looks over. So tonight I said "Chelsey, I know you want to watch it, so pull your cahir over and watch." So we watched Oprah and clapped and screamed. Oprah can literally do anything she wants. Her power is out of control.

There are five wildlife biology majors in my botany lab. They are all boys. None of them are at my lab table though. I hope they will be my friends and go birdwatching with me. I figured that there would be WBs in my lab but I didn't know how I would tell who they were without talking to people which I am afraid to do. But luckily we went around the room and said our names and majors and it was like Christmas. So yay for forced introductions. There was one guy that has the worst public speaking problem I've ever witnessed. He couldn't even get words out, just kind of a "duh" sound a couple times. Nervous stutterer. I felt really sorry for him.

Soembody tried to teach me how to play Euchre tonight. I'm sorry but my IQ is not high enough for that game.
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