Wardens of Ivalice: underway

Apr 10, 2016 15:54

One of the roadblocks I've found in working on this story is that it's just been too long since I played FFXII. And since we recently got rid of our only television that will effectively run a PS2, I don't see the opportunity to pick it up again on the horizon at all. (Dear Square Enix: I understand that this remaster rumor is essentially just a rumor, but can't you at least port the darn thing to modern consoles or iOS? Pretty please?) Probably I need to apply myself to some Let's Plays, but I did find this collection of all the cutscenes, and I watched it over the space of a couple of days last week.

image Click to view

By all, I mean all, not just the FMVs -- it even includes snippets of most major boss battles, at least one shot of each Quickening, and the introductory shots for most of the world areas. The video is over six and a half hours long, and it was worth every minute to remind myself of details of story, landscape, and characterization. The characters' voices live in my head again, more so than they have in years. It's no substitute for living with the characters and Ivalice through a hundred hours of gameplay, but it was decidedly better than nothing.

Making writing progress, too, if slowly. What's mainly got me blocked at this point is giant plot details that I don't know yet. But I'm hoping that sitting down and writing up the character work, the character moments, will give me plot. It's worked before, anyway.

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ff12, wardens of ivalice, writing

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