I'm making good on my personal threat to attend lots of cons in 2016: I've now registered for
FogCon (as always), WisCon (which I've been meaning to attend for a few years now and the stars finally aligned), and
WesterCon (SE's suggestion; Scalzi is the guest of honor, and it's in Portland, which is a city I've always meant to spend more time in). So that's the first half of 2016 scheduled up.
I finally watched Daredevil. I'd been meaning to get to it for awhile; wanting to finish before Jessica Jones drops next month finally pushed it up the queue. Overall I enjoyed it, although I also had some issues. Some of the more pressing complaints are detailed in
this Tumblr post ('ware major spoilers). I want to write a longer post about it soon.
Instead of other things I'd been meaning to read, I picked up the biography of Alice B. Sheldon (aka James Tiptree Jr.). I've never read any of Tiptree's fiction, but I've heard the bio is excellent, and so far it has delivered.
Finally, just because I haven't posted about it here doesn't mean I'm not caught in the full throes of a Hamilton obsession. If you've been wondering what the heck Hamilton is, or this is somehow the first you've ever heard of it, the short answer is that it's a Broadway musical based on the life of Alexander Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda. The cast album was released a few weeks ago, and made available to listen online shortly before that, and half the Internet has been freaking out over it ever since.
Here's a good primer (thanks to
umadoshi for the link). If you want a taste of it without committing to the whole album (although it's free on Spotify), check out
Miranda's White House performance of an early version of the first song. Warning for highly addictive earworms.
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http://owlmoose.dreamwidth.org/719495.html. There are currently
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