Days written: 23/31
Words written: 9,932
Words of fic written: 7,430
Stories worked on: Two, plus ficlets
Stories posted: Just the ficlets
Specific goals:
1. Write at least five days per week. On average, yes; for each individual week no.
2. Cull WIP folder, and make a list of all unwritten request fics. Target one to finish each month between now and the end of the year, including one for the month of August. I went through the WIP folder but failed the rest. I am really unhappy that I allowed myself to get so far behind on this -- I owe three giveaway fics (two of my own and one for a community) and have a handful of other prompts rotting away in various places. No one will ever trust me to write anything ever again. :\
3. Work on Wardens of Ivalice. Not really. I need to pick up the new World of Thedas volume, I think. It would help to replay FFXII a bit, too, but my PS2 isn't terribly accessible right now. I ended up mostly working on a story that was bunnied by my Trevelyan DA:I run, although it's about Hawke. (Marissa Hawke. I need to fix it. If you've played the game, you know why.) It wants to be a monster, and it's taking all the writing motivation I have to keep it from slipping away.
4. Post on DW/LJ at least twice a week. Total fail. I was lucky to post once a week. How do I motivate myself to do this? Seriously, if anyone has ideas I'd be happy to hear them.
September isn't shaping up to be a particularly busy month, life-wise, but there are literally a dozen new books I want to read, and there's the little matter of a major DA:I DLC coming out next week, and I need to take my canon Inquisitor through all the other story DLC first (she's about four hours into Jaws of Hakkon now). So I wish to keep my goals modest. Like, "bar set so low that I could get over it falling out of bed in the morning" modest. I hate to back away from the things I really want to do, but I hate feeling like I've failed even more. Setting goals is of no use if they're daunting rather than motivating.
So, September goals:
1. Write an average of five days per week.
2. Work on Marissa Hawke fic, and hopefully get far enough to start posting.
3. Post at least twice a week. Seriously. If nothing else I could start reviewing books again. Suggestions for post topics from the peanut gallery are also very welcome.
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