Dragon Age Kiss Battle! 2015 edition

Feb 05, 2015 11:46

Welcome to the 2015 Dragon Age Kiss Battle!

Any kind of kiss is welcome -- het, slash, femslash; shippy, familial, gen; cheek kisses, mouth kisses, kissing of... other things; serious, fluffy, silly, or all three at once; fanfic, fanart, whatever you come up with; anything goes!

The post is now open! I don't anticipate closing it, so come by any time!


  1. To leave a request: Post a comment with character(s) and, if desired, a prompt. Put the pairing/character(s) in the subject line and the prompt in the body of the comment.
  2. To respond: Reply to the prompting comment. Include characters, rating, and title in the subject line. .
  3. Multiple responses are both allowed and encouraged!
  4. There is no limit to the number of prompts or responses you can post.
  5. Prompts from all Dragon Age canons and tie-ins are welcome, including DA:I. There is no rule against spoilers in prompts, but please do your best to be considerate. If a prompt response includes significant Inquisition spoilers, make sure to note it in the subject line. Readers should be aware that there may be spoilers in prompts as well as responses.
  6. Crossovers and AUs are welcome!
  7. Artwork can be posted inline, but try not to make it too large. Please link to images that are very large or NSFW.
  8. Please, be kind to others regarding pairing choices, prompts, or anything else. This game is for everyone! :)
  9. Anon commenting is on, as is OpenID, if you neither have nor want a Dreamwidth account.
  10. Send your friends! :D

If you have questions, please ask them here. Thanks, and happy kissing!!

This entry is also posted at http://owlmoose.dreamwidth.org/701955.html. There are currently
comments on DW.

dragon age, omg yay, kiss battle!

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