Hitting the road

May 27, 2014 10:56

I suppose it would be more accurate to say "hitting the air", since most of my travel will be by plane, but that doesn't have the same ring to it. ;) Anyway, it took a bit of wrangling to get all these ducks in their row, but on Thursday morning (early, so so early), I'll be leaving for a week-and-a-half three-city epic trip:

  1. Thursday: Fly SFO to Boston, at 6:45 in the morning. :\ Why, god, why? (Answer: because it was this or the red-eye, and I'll get more sleep this way. But still. Guh.)
  2. Friday: Road trip to Bryn Mawr with A!
  3. Friday-Sunday: 1990s decade reunion at BMC. This is the first time I've ever gone to Reunion in an "off-year", and I'm looking forward to what I hope will be a less structured visit -- there's a few events for the '90s cluster, but it should mostly be just hanging out and chatting and relaxing at the Mawr. Anyone reading this planning to be there?
  4. Sunday: Road trip back to Boston.
  5. Monday-Thursday: Hanging in Boston. This is where I expect to have the most free time. If anyone is in the area and wants to hook up for coffee or whatever, let me know!
  6. Friday: Fly Boston to Chicago (once again stupidly early in the morning).
  7. Saturday:
    lassarina's wedding!! :D I am very excited to finally meet her face to face (although I have no expectations of quality time, given that it is a wedding). I hope to get some time to hang with
    seventhe and meet other folks, too.
  8. Sunday: Meet up with Tumblr people, details pending. I should probably get on that.
  9. Monday: Fly home in the early afternoon (one reasonable flight time, yes!).

Sounds suitably epic, right? :) I can't believe it's only a couple of days away.

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friends, travel, omg yay, bmc, celebrations

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