I'm sorry I've been so absent. I'll probably do a big post about why at some point (mostly to do with work stuff), but for now I can only beg your pardon and promise that I am still reading every entry on my Reading/Friends list, even if I'm not posting or commenting much. At the very least, I need to get better about crossposting my fic -- because there's still been plenty of that.
Anyway, onto April.
Days written: 24/30 (I think... I was very bad about tracking this month.)
Words written: 11,076
Words of fic written: 10,770
Stories worked on: A lot. Eight stories, four Alphabet meme chapters, and several ficbits.
Stories posted: Six, plus four Alphabet stories.
DA:O replays started: Two, which explains why the words written are down but the number of stories worked on is up.
1. Write an average of six days per week. Nope. Gotta get back on that wagon in May, especially with the Doink! deadline.
2. Take advantage of the lull between events to finish up the Alphabet meme. No, although I made progress.
3. In the same vein, work on Wardens of Ivalice. Hah. At this rate, that will be my Mega Flare story this year as well.
4. Work on/finish story for
ff_exchange! Prompts received, prompts being mulled over, but no words written.... yet.
I guess, given the work issues alluded to above, this isn't too bad, but it won't cut it for May. I need to cut back on the distractions, writing and otherwise. Better managing my Tumblr usage is, I fear, a key component of this.
So, goals for May:
1. Write at least six days per week. (Except for my Memorial Day Weekend trip.)
2. Finish at least one story for Final Fantasy Exchange. (Not optional, the deadline is in May.)
3. Finish up
Tumblr milestone prompt fics. (One of the two remaining is in progress, the other is just an idea at this point.)
4. Work on the Alphabet meme. At this point, I'm targeting that one to finish in June.
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