Holiday happiness

Dec 22, 2011 19:29

The solstice has been and gone -- we've turned the corner, and longer days are on the way. A fine reason to celebrate, whatever form the holiday takes.

I'm participating in two DA holiday exchanges this year. I'll crosspost my own contributions later, when they're both finished, but for now I wanted to highlight the two very wonderful gifts that I received. Both are fanart, one is DA:Origins, and the other is DA2.

1. Marian and Bethany Hawke admiring a snow Anders and a snow Ser Pounce-a-Lot, by
ladykleo. A snow Ser Pounce. How adorable is that?! They look so content. And Bethany rocks her holiday robes.

2. Aeducan/Alistair/Anora, by jessicajones_1, inspired by the series I've been writing about them. Can I tell you just how excited I am to have artwork of my Sereda Aeducan, in Grey Warden armor, and especially in the context of this triad? So, so excited. All three of their expressions are just about perfect, too.

Huge props and thanks to ladykleo and JJ! You have both made my December just a little bit brighter. :)

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fidelity, dragon age, omg yay, fanart, alistair/warden

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