Happy DOINK Day!

May 13, 2011 22:29

ff_exchange reveal has occurred, and now there is much more tasty Final Fantasy fic in the world than there was this morning, including the gift written for me, a most excellent FFXIII story about Lightning and Sazh. Check it out. :)

Hard Balance by

As for myself, I have two stories in the collection. Both on the lighter side, which made them very fun to write.

A Little Help, FFXII, a story about Reks and Penelo and how they might have met. Gen.

Lost & Found, FFX-2, Gippal/Yuna, on a dig.

Just like last year, I didn't get my act together to write any Moogle Fluff, but I am looking very much forward to the Chocobo Down lists! I always get great ideas from them. Although this year, it will have to complete with my
newgameplus prompts, which includes much tastiness as well. An abundance of fandom riches! Just the way I like it.

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comments on DW.

ff12, ffex, omg yay, ffx-2, fandom

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