AO3 meme

Apr 16, 2011 19:09

Ganked from

List your top ten fics by hitcount posted on Archive of Our Own (AO3). I am, unsurprisingly, also
owlmoose over there.

1. Exchange: FFXII, Balthier-centric, gen. Posted February 2010, 339 hits.

2. Far Across the Sand and the Sea: FFX, Braska/Yuna's Mother. "The story of Braska's journey to Bikanel." Posted June 2010, 264 hits.

3. Reconcilable Differences: FFXII, Ashe/Al-Cid, Ashe/Balthier. My
megaflare_ff story. Posted November 2010, 187 hits.

4. Aftermath: FFX-2, Beclem and Nooj, gen. "[T]he founding of the Youth League, through Beclem's eyes." Latest chapter posted March 2010, 170 hits.

5. Elemental: FFX, Lulu, gen. "Lulu's first steps on her path to becoming a black mage." Posted November 2009, 159 hits.

6. Watchman: Sunshine, Rae/Mel. "Mel has taken the responsibility upon himself." The shortest story on the list (312 words). Posted November 2009, 159 hits.

7. Political Considerations: FFXII, Ashe/Balthier. The sequel to "Alternate Histories", listed below. Posted November 2009, 154 hits.

8. Secret Identities: FFXII, Balthier/Reddas implications. "It was by his voice that Balthier first knew him." Posted May 2010, 147 hits.

9. Study Break: FFXIII, Raines/Rosch. Still the only story for this pairing on the archive! Also the only porn and the only slash on this list. Posted November 2010, 127 hits.

10. Alternate Histories: FFXII, Ashe/Balthier. "A game of "what if" on the eve of an important state event." Posted November 2010, 124 hits.

Is it a surprise that literally half of the stories on this list feature Balthier? No, it is not. I suppose it surprises me a little that the list is so FFXII-heavy -- only one X-2 story, and two FFX. Then again, there almost twice as many FFXII stories currently in the archive than there are FFX and X-2 stories combined, which suggests a higher readership for that fandom. So maybe it does make a certain amount of sense.

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fanfiction, fandom, meme, ao3

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