
Mar 08, 2006 06:50

Chapter Five of DSHnD is up in the usual place. Enjoy!

The work continues to go smoothly and our co-written sections continue to fit together nearly perfectly. We've always known that we worked well together, but I think the fact that it has been this natural has still be something of a surprise. I have a feeling that it's going to be strange, having only one mind to work with when I go back to my solo stuff.

For once, the next chapter is actually not written -- the concert weekend had me so busy that I have fallen behind. Also, I keep being inspired to work on Chapter Seven (and Eight, and Nine) instead. It's my old habit of writing whatever comes to me rather than what comes next, which is fine, except when I have a collaborater depending on me to get the next thing finished. ;) (Sorry, collaborater. It will get done.)

posting, dominion, writing

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