Feb 23, 2007 09:13
Illness. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
Loyal readers (all three of you) will be interested to know that I did in fact go to the post office the day after receiving the slip. I made it with only a short detour through ICU, but lucky for me I was still home and back on the couch within a half hour. The books I got were neither of the ones I suggested in the last post. Among others, I got a book on early childhood recollections and how to use them in therapy. Oh baby, that's meaty!
Yesterday I drove out to Chilliwack to attend my brother's birthday dinner - while still sick, but that's what you do for family! Infect them! I had a good chat with my dad and his new partner, who moved in on Valentine's day, from Ottawa. I have never seen my dad laugh as much or be as light spirited as he is with her, and I wish them all the best. I also wish them the flu, which you can tell because I went to their house in the grip of the Death Illness Of Doom. But that's what you do for family.
My brother is now 17. He goes for his road test to get his driver's license on March 8th - if you live in Chilliwack, you might want to stay home that afternoon. Actually, I haven't seen Brother drive but if he's anything like I was, he'll do just fine. He's a responsible and careful individual. Actually, I really hit it lucky for brothers. Brother is smart. He likes to read and while he has an unjustifiable taste for fantasy, he tolerates me when I give him good science fiction for Christmas. He's also warm and loving - despite being a teenager, he lets me lean my head on his shoulder (he's a bit taller than me) or even stand with my arm around him. I actually think he likes it. He does his fair share of teenage misbehaviour but his transgressions are minor and at the end of the day, I can say I have a brother I love and respect. He's a great guy. Now get a haircut, kid.
In other news, the Kid Invasion went off without a hitch yesterday. It was confirmed by the Kid, our apartment is indeed too adult and boring to be believed. She finally settled on Husband's poker chips as something fun to play with, and we spent some time haggling over price as she tried to buy everything in our living room for chips. I neglected to mention to her that because she didn't actually give me a buy in for those chips, that they are STILL MINE and so she bought NOTHING! HA! God, kids can be so dumb.
Anyway, off to read about how to read your mind based on what you reveal about your childhood. Soon none of my friends will talk to me at all! Huzzah!
grad school,