Nov 22, 2006 07:57
Much has transpired since last i wrote a *true* update. Let's see....
The death of my father.
The death of my grandmother the morning after we buried him.
Packed up to move, which didn't happen as scheduled due to the above.
Finally moved the following week.
Working my a$$ off for less than half of what I should be paid in the area for what I do.
Still not making enough to pay the bills and still eat.
Fearing not being able to make those bills and therefore no longer having a place to live...again..
If the above does happen, having to give up my dogs, who are like children to me.
Feel like a complete failure, since I can't keep the above from happening, no matter how I try.
Reiki business in non-existent, due to the flux of energy from above issues.
No way out of the above issues that I can see.
I hate life.