Driving in the land of hot drinks and dairy products

Sep 13, 2014 00:20

Do your driving guidelines prescribe hot drinks and warn you of the dangers of dairy products?

Excerpts from the UK Highway Code:

From #91 Driving when tired
"the most effective ways to counter sleepiness are to drink, for example, two cups of caffeinated coffee and to take a short nap (at least 15 minutes)"

From #206 Drive slowly and carefully when
"passing parked vehicles, especially ice cream vans; children are more interested in ice cream than traffic and may run into the road unexpectedly".

From #224 Electric vehicles
"Be careful of electric vehicles such as milk floats and trams."

From #228 Driving in icy and adverse weather
"Take an emergency kit of de-icer and ice scraper, torch, warm clothing and boots, first aid kit, jump leads and a shovel, together with a warm drink* and emergency food in case you get stuck or your vehicle breaks down."

* Evidence that these guidelines are only intended for trips of limited duration....

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