Christmas Gift for misbehavingmom

Dec 25, 2011 22:02

Title: The Bond of the Elder Wand - Part One
Author: Geneva2010
Recipient: misbehavingmom
Rating: This part - Rated G
Warnings: WIP, to be continued.
Summary: The Elder Wand reaches out from beyond Dumbledore’s grave.

Notes: Dear misbehavingmom - a very Merry Christmas to you. I’m afraid
I bit off a little more plot than I could finish, and I’m sorry to leave you a fairly short
WIP for a present. I really wanted to get the story to the solstice at least, but it was
not to be. I promise I will finish it for you. Writing is hard ;-) !!

(Prompts to be used in completed story: First times; Coming out; Bonding; Getting
together; and more)


Damned Potter, what was he doing out here on the grounds in this godforsaken
weather? The wind was whipping across the fields and the colorful autumn leaves
lay despoiled at Draco’s feet, torn from the trees and lashed by the cold rain. The
castle glowed in the background in the light of the sun, which had already set,
casting a gleam of eerie rays between the dark low clouds and the horizon.

Draco felt compelled by forces he didn’t understand to follow Potter, in secret.
The pull that Potter had on him should be listed as an Unforgiveable. When he
came back to school Draco just wanted to put his head down and get his education
finished. He didn’t want any trouble, and he certainly didn’t want to cross paths with
the Hero-Who-Lived.

Draco hid in the trees, risking falling branches, watching Potter as he approached
Dumbledore’s tomb. What in Merlin’s name was his problem? He could certainly
pick a more conducive time to pay his respects. Lightning lit the sky, and Draco
shrank behind the tree trunk. Potter certainly had a flair for the dramatic, nothing
but the best mourning weather for him.

When another lightning bolt struck, Draco saw Potter look all around as if to
ensure his privacy. Hah, he wouldn’t see through Draco’s Disillusionment spells
without a direct attempt; that pitiful glance was not going to do it. Draco put up his
Occlumency shields for good measure. I am a rock, I am a tree, he thought,
avidly watching Potter through the dripping rain.

Potter opened the tomb with a mighty gesture, as thunder rumbled in the distance.
Draco had a clear view as he laid a wand inside the tomb. Surely not? He couldn’t

hide the Elder Wand in such an obvious place? But it seemed to be so, as Potter
closed the tomb, and rapidly left and walked back up toward the castle.

Draco removed Disillusionment, and approached the tomb. Stupid old man, he thought, why did you have to die when you did? How could you be master
of the Elder Wand and still fall to the Dark Lord and to Severus? Draco raged
inside; his impotence in the face of his past misfortunes burned, nor could he
comprehend the pull he felt towards the tomb now, the presence mocking him from
behind the marble crypt. Surely Dumbledore had departed, and if not, would not feel
as dark. Filled with dread and superstition, Draco stumbled back to the castle, and
down to his cool bed in the dungeon. Please, he mumbled to his pillow, please leave
me in peace and let me live.


Harry woke refreshed and at peace for the first time since the horrific end of the
war. The Elder Wand had preyed on his mind, and even after he decided what to
do with it, and ostensibly received Dumbledore’s blessing for re-opening the tomb
and settling the wand in it’s cool grave, he fretted about what might go wrong. The
morning after he disposed of the wand that had been possessed by Dumbledore and
Voldemort, and had such a huge impact on his own fate, he went down to breakfast
light of heart.

Almost immediately he ran into Draco Malfoy at the bottom of the great staircase.
The haunted look in Malfoy’s white face took Harry aback. What could be wrong
now? Just when things were settled, finally, it looked like something was
bothering Malfoy. Damn, was he up to something again? Draco looked startled and
held Harry’s gaze for a minute, and he opened his mouth as if to speak, but then
turned and abruptly left the castle. Harry briefly considered following, but the pull
of breakfast was just too much. Malfoy’s plots would have to wait.


Draco hadn’t slept a wink, and when he ran into Potter he could barely tear his eyes
and body away from the scrawny git. Once he blindly fled outside to the fresh fall
air, he immediately focused on the presence beyond, the tomb and the Elder Wand.
Damn, how stupid is Potter to leave that blasted wand alone? Draco wandered
down towards the tomb, and felt how easy it would be to open it and claim the Elder
Wand once again for his own. The temptation of such power was quite seductive,
but Draco wasn’t as stupid as Potter, or Voldemort. He knew his history and he
knew his fairy tales. The seduction of the Elder Wand was a false promise that
inevitably led to ruin. Draco had had enough of power hunger and raw ambition to
last a lifetime.

The realization that he did not crave the Elder Wand power afforded him some
peace; he still felt the pull but without the previous urgency. Draco realized it was
time to confront Potter. He must be made to see reason and to dispose of the wand
in another way. It might be difficult to convince him of his intentions, but try he


Harry was still thinking of Malfoy when he left breakfast. His obsession continued
unabated, he mused, but at least his stomach was full. As he exited the Great Hall,
sure enough, there was Malfoy again, looking a little less panicked and more
resolved, and still intent on Harry. Harry approached him.

“Malfoy, I don’t know what you want, but I wish you’d spit it out. I’ve had enough
drama this year.”

“Potter, I do need to speak with you, but it can’t be here in public. Where can we go
to get some privacy?”

“I have class and Ron and Hermione will miss me, not to mention the professors.
But I suppose I can use a Boy-Who-Lived card and get a moment.” Harry had said
that last just to get a rise out of Malfoy, and was amused by the eye roll right on cue.
He smiled, and Malfoy surprised him by returning it. “You didn’t have breakfast; let’s
go down to the kitchens.”

The house elves were delighted to see Harry, and there were plenty of leftovers
from breakfast to satisfy Malfoy, and enough for a second snack for Harry, too. Must
keep up his strength for whatever Malfoy was going to come up with this time. It
was strange to sit here having a meal with him. They ate in silence, and soon the
bustle of the house elves quieted and they were left alone, a loud clock ticking in the
corner. Finally Malfoy got to the point.

“Potter, I saw you at the tomb last night.”

“Well, what of it? I was paying my respects. What were you doing there?”

“I know it was more than that. I can feel the pull of the Elder Wand, and there is
some sort of connection between us, too. Malfoys have always been particularly
sensitive to any bond, especially a bond of power. Let me show you; give me your

Harry was reluctant to touch Malfoy, but he couldn’t believe the git posed any real

threat to him, either. Malfoy’s gaze dared him to hesitate, and he steeled himself.
What’s the worst that could happen? Voldemort was already dead. Harry put his
right hand on the table, in the middle, palm up. Malfoy pulled his left sleeve back,
and touched his fingertips to Harry’s. Harry started, a sudden breath pulled in
as the impact of the touch hit him. He felt Malfoy’s magic as a live thing, almost a
spark, but warm rather than sharp. In truth, it was a wonderful feeling, and a tingle
extended up his arm and made him shiver. Malfoy watched him closely and smiled
at Harry’s reaction.

“Potter, what do you feel? I’ve never felt anything like touching you.”

“I’m not sure I can describe it, but it’s not bad. Your magic feels a little like an
electrical charge running up my arm. What is it?”

“I don’t know how an electrical charge feels, but I had a sleepless night to think
about this, and I’ve come to some conclusions. I think it’s the connection of the Elder
Wand. We were both masters of the wand and both of us have relinquished it. The
Wand may even be calling out to us - I don’t think sitting in a tomb is fulfilling for
an ambitious trouble-making wand. The connection may have also enhanced our
existing competition with each other and magnified it.”

“This doesn’t feel like a competition. It feels like cooperation, and connection.”
Harry reached out to touch Malfoy’s hand again, and then grasped it in his. Both
boys smiled as the glow connected them. “Damn, I love magic sometimes.”

Harry watched Malfoy’s face as his satisfied smile turned serious, and he pulled
his hand away. “Potter, I know you put the wand back in the tomb. I want you to
reconsider that decision. I don’t think it’s safe there. I felt the danger. And you may
not want it now, but what if you’re tempted by a great need in the future.

“And another thing: you’d need to go your whole life without being disarmed like
I was to avoid another wizard or witch controlling the Elder Wand. Aren’t you
planning to be an Auror? What happens when the bad guy, who is plotting to gain
control of the Deathly Hallows, defeats you in a duel, and evil masterminds his way
to the tomb?

“If I wanted the wand, I could have attempted it already. Believe it or not, I’ve no
taste for that sort of lethal power. But we need to work together to find a better way
to hide or dispose of that cursed wand.”

Harry considered. Now that he thought about it, storing the wand in the tomb did
seem incredibly simplistic. “You’re right. I’m not sure where else to put it though,
and I don’t have any idea if it can be destroyed. But if we destroyed… well, anyway, I

have a feeling I know who can help us destroy a magical artifact. We need to talk to
Hermione and Ron.”


(to be continued)

gift: fic, holiday: christmas, recipient: misbehavingmom

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