Christmas Gift for secretsalex

Dec 25, 2011 21:21

Title: A Gift is Worth a Thousand Words
From: knowmefirst
A/N: Not beta, sorry! Hope you like it.

Draco opened the paper, swore, and shoved it inside his pants pocket before anyone of the ministry workers tried to see it.


Harry arrived at his flat, took out the paper, and looked at it again. What would he give Draco for Christmas? Dammit, he hated gift exchanges.


“Are you crazy?” Draco exclaimed when he saw Pansy holding a red thong, “I can’t give Harry that.”

“Okay, fine.” Pansy blew air out as they continue looking around.


“You know he’ll like it, Harry.” Hermione said exasperated.

“No, as it doesn’t say ‘Draco’ to me.”


Many hours later, too many stores, and two different women exclaimed.

“Then you look for it by yourself!”


Draco stood still as he watched Pansy leave him. Damn, now the only willing person to come with him, left him. He looked around the store and was about to leave when a particular thing caught his eye. He walked forward and touched it.



“Happy Holidays.” the clerk said as she handed him the bag containing the gift.

Harry walked out of the store, happily with his gift on hand.


Draco walked to Harry, handed him the gift, and blinked when he was given one in returned follow by ‘I got you.’


Harry stood still and stared at the gift speechless after he’d opened it. When he looked up Draco wasn’t in front of him anymore, he looked around, but he couldn’t see him.


“I’m coming.” Draco yelled.

He turned on the lights with his wand as he moved towards the door, opened it, and glower at the person who dare wake him up.


a touch,
a kiss,

a murmured against skin,
a moan captured between lips.


“And that is how I found your gift.” Draco said, lying besides Harry.

“I’m glad you did.” kiss.

◄The End►

recipient: secretsalex, gift: fic, holiday: christmas

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