Like whoa.

Nov 18, 2011 12:12

So, clearly, I'm no good at this whole lj thing.
I've spent years reading fanfiction. Finally, a bit more than I year ago I caved and signed myself up for an lj account so I could comment like the fangirl I am. 
Then, I wrote a one-shot Doctor/Rose ficlet for the very first fic-a-thon over at doctor_rose_fix. I've since written two more. Only one of which I seem to have worked out how to post of my actual page. Whoops.
I've got pages, and notes, all hidden away in a folder of my trusty laptop. And one essentially complete ficlet chillin' on my netbook (affectionately called Ron) desktop. But I don't post. 
I guess I don't have enough confidence to start wading into communities. I'm essentially a shy human being, if overtly bubbly and enthused. I like to say that I'm really good at hiding how shy I am. And that's totally the truth. 
Also, being honest? I have really crap follow-through. I have ideas, but I can never quite find the time to get them down, or pound them through all the way to the end.

However, lj has been niggling away at me. I'm in a weird point of my life. A serious period of change. And I think that plunging in here, whether that be  getting up the courage to enter into some of my favorite fandoms, or it just starting to spout a bit in a forum that is more divorced from my real-life turbulences and change... well it might be a good thing.

I've got more free time now then I'm used to having. I'm fresh out of University madness (though I know I'll be back there soon enough. Yay Masters.), and working a new, part-time, job. So really. I can't use the "AUGHNOTIIIIMENOOO" excuse anymore. Time to get cracking and develop  my writing skills. I used to have some skill anyway. I'd like to see if I can find it again.

And really, I've got to have somewhere to write down some of the more hilarious things that happen to me, and rant about some of the more surreal or unsettling aspects of living in France. In some ways I'm living in the "Auberge Espanole," only we don't have all the sex. Honestly? More sex would probably make one of my roommates much more agreeable. If only he would stop trying to pick up married women... or coworkers... or both...

New forum, new entries, new ride. And if you've got tips as to how to launch into new fandoms, I'd sure be grateful! 

living with other people oh my, france, real life, i wanna be a writer someday

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