Some snippets from a few weeks ago.
I saw a face I knew
In the pollen-crusted
tin can next to mine
reeling down the highway
From a different life
I'd had.
And sharks were hidden
Gently in the folds of
lush green, like
rabbit eggs waiting to strike
I must remember not to HATE that devil
Though devil it is
Ka-lick, ka-lick devil feet
Walking past me
I must catch the rage in my chest
Before it leaps to my eyes
Out my mouth
Around its throat
I must remember that this devil has shown me only kindness
Though devil it is.
Consider a well-made orange, Ray
(What a comforting thought, as if any orange could be well made)
Did god make the orange, too?
Impenetrable skin, getting pith beneath my nails, zest shooting off its surface into eyes and nostrils as weaponized citrus air
Like the makers of CD satan-cellophane covers
god has cleverly encased the orange
in wrapping only a knife could cut through
And it's the perfect shape for the human mouth
if you cut it up into the perfect shape for a human mouth
I think every orange
is one of Satan's ten hundred billion testicles.
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