Apr 03, 2007 13:43
Hey kids, thought I'd update on things wee... Well of course I'm back at school, returned last Monday, funola lemme tell ya. I've been uber stressed out with tests and papers, not to mention a midterm that my prof. finally got around to. I had fun yesterday though, went to dinner and a walk with Kreuter.
We ended up bumping into Shannon and peeps sitting on the grass being all hippie so we sat a while. Then went and picked up Megan and went to partake of the coffee. It was most amazing even though I gave up caffinated things for lint. Sad panda, so I ended up just getting a blended cream. Then we went to Wal-Mart looking for Tacky Prom things, we found some amazing hats. They are glorious!!! I got a cowboy hat and a fadora (yeah?). I looked like a gay cowboy with with of course the cowboy hat on in the store, so they made me take it off. I thought it was kool, but that's just me. We also got a really cheesy CD you know the ones they have where you can press the button and listen to a sample. We blasted that like we were kool, but really big dorks, in the car. And then we went back to Megan's and watched Step Up, an amazing dance movie WOOT!, and an episode of Gilmore Girls, also amazing. So now I'm up today. NO WAIT this weekend was better. I went to Easton with my dad and sis, it was sis' birthday yesterday so we went up to Easton for uber shopping. It was fun, good food, yada yada yada. So now I'm up to this week.
This week looks to be stress major with all the stuff I have to do. Tomorrow, however, is assessment day so I get the day off to study and what not. So now it is a time for me to rant about something.
Bryan Weasley Chin left me a message saying call him on myspace, but seeing as I have no number by which to contact him by this is quite difficult. Chin, you know I love ya bro, but come now really? Just joshin, nah I have nothing to rant about. So I guess this is where I say something really weird then go running into the jungle. Oh wait just did that, well TTFN!!!
P.S. Bryan Chin I really don't have your number though, but I think you still have mine. I did try to call you one day but you have a new number.