Me Me Me Meeeeeeeeme...

Mar 27, 2007 14:21

faire_weather double tagged me with a couple of memes.

The first one I've seen floating around on the flist: where did your user name come from?  I double dog dare you to guess the story behind it. I first hopped onto forums with regards to becoming a mama, so the name came pretty easy for that sort of thing. I stuck with it, for consistency in my brain, which in case you didn't know, flows out of you with the amniotic fluid.  I wish I had chosen something more interesting for LJ, but meh.

Second meme:
Rule: Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

God, I was like, do I have five stories? And I totally have 15! LOL. Okay, so I forced myself to skim them. Here goes:

The Remains of Love Exhumed - Hermione/Draco.
I always liked this pairing, and once I got hit with the plot bunny it sort of all fell into place really quickly. I almost cried, reading the part with Molly and Hermione, so yeah, I still really like it.

All This Mess - Harry/Draco
I often have to give in to the crushing visuals a song gives me, and this fic did it for Snow Patrol's song Run. I love that its all angsty and their relationship is tenuous and then Draco is forced to finally face his reality and it works out for him. I always liked the song "Center of Attention" by Guster, and the line "I'm the center of attention in the walls inside my head, and no one will ever know it if I keep my mouth shut tight". I think that explains this incarnation of Draco.

Somebody - Harry/Draco
Okay, I think it needs a better ending, but I had so much fun writing stoner!Draco, and my first try at incorporating places I knew. If I hadn't been so impatient or unwilling to make it longer, I think it could have really developed into something nice. I suppose I could write a sequel...

Never a Breath You Can Afford to Waste - Harry/Draco
I spent a really long time on this one (don't laugh at me, I'm slow), and I still like it. It was the first time I really invested time in a fic, yk?

Don't Give Up on the Wanting - Harry/Draco
It has some rough spots, but I really enjoyed what I did with the OMC, Eric, and tried to tackle some subject matter I don't know much about.

I don't feel like tagging anyone. So there.


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