OK first off i cant fuckin stand selfish spitefull people who pretend that things are ok to your face but when youre not around they hang out with youre ex's (who by the way when i was dating them said that they could not stand the other person and that (HE) was a fucking basterd)(..btw thats why you two are my ex's, because i realized you are
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anyvays..... what about me? im not family? that'd be kinda ew. lol. but yes. anyway. im sorry you feel that way, and that i havent been much(obvious) help lately. if you were to move away, just know that i would be saddened by your choice but also support you in all ways needed as long as it was for your own good cause. i will do nothing but be full support for anything you choose, as i have been trying to do so in the past few months. im sorry that things arent going do well at the apartment, but i had a feeling that it wasnt exactly the right place for you, the first time i went. look at your room, and look at the rest of your apartment. it doesnt fit. im sorry that things are being thrown in gillions of directions, and that everything you thought you could confide in has been corrupted by thoughts, relationships, people and fake "love"(speaking in hidden terms i will explain to you another time). you also know, that i care for you and with that care comes an unconditional love for you. even if im mad, yes i still love you. damn, i've lost my train of thought b/c i had to stop and do a stupid publisher assignment. give me a min. ok, i tink i got it. but you know, as i always tell you, you can call and talk to me and i'll listen and give you input if you would like. all i try to be is a loyal firend. i try to give advice on only what i undersatnd and if you ask for it. i know it may seem weird to you b/c im only "you sister's friend" and not YOUR friend... which im trying to be. but its ok. i try so hard for you and for a few other people. and i try to put so much effort into any relationship im involved in, and you know it. i have learned from you, and i thank you for the experience. i could tell you that i would have little to no patience for anything, if it wasnt for you. but i just hope that you may take my thoughts and words into consideration and spend a little more time thinking things and your choices over, to make sure that they are what you want. love you thom-kat.
aimer toujours et à jamais,
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