To the stars Bowin.....

Jan 20, 2005 18:48


Go figure. Every time i get involved with some one i freakin go headstrong... i gotta stop doin that. I mean at least this time i saw her for who she was and i really didnt get hurt all that much. Ah, some things in the relationship were SOOOO good though. too bad she has to be a friggin pothead!!! Damn you smokiers!!!! Its funny how you treat some one with every ounce of respect and love and they treat you like you dont exist.... how does that make sence????? please tell me. I had a great time while it lasted but damn, i wish i could make some of those feelings last foreva!!!!!! But yea. i blew up that pos cavalier!!! Yea!!!!! heh heh. i think i already mentioned that before...oh well. still cant get a loan, credit places are lil bitches damn them. i cant get credit if i dont have credit... how the hell is that fair??? oh well, im putting in a new motor for that pos and selling it once and for all... so tired of an auto fwd pos, 240!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some one sell me a 240 please!! not like any one reading this can find one ... heh.. yea. Now i have a egotistical bitch for a manager, already tried to get me fired for some dumbass mistake she made, all of us employees are going to team up against here, heeeheeeheee. besides that not much is goin on. friendships are about the same, im learning a lot when it comes to dealing with relationships and to put them into action..."smirk" hee hee. well thats about it.... hope to see every one smiling, im doin my best to stay that way... wooooo hooooo, yep.... an stuff and stuff.

"Mahna..... it means family. it means no one is left behind...."

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