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Mar 27, 2007 22:36

Past two days have FLOWN by. It’s been so nice to have my widows open in the office. Everyone complains that my office is the hottest, but the breeze and noises are worth the higher temps.

I went out and sat outside in shorts at 9pm tonight! It was so warm out! I wish I could open my windows in my apt.

I find it interesting how everyone asks about how work is going. Work is work. I enjoy my job and it goes. I guess I don’t have the amazing stories that everyone else must have about their jobs. I do have something I am very proud of at work to mention.

I was asked to coordinate intramural sports when I come to here. I was really nervous about it. Honestly, I didn’t know if I could do it not. This year was the first year the program would actually exist. I spent the summer planning and getting ready for the fall. This first year has turned out better than I could have ever planned for. We went from offering two sports in the spring to over 5 sports over the full year. Participation has gone from about 40 per sport to over 80. Students are talking intramurals up on campus. A board of students has come together and taken on the implementation of the seasons. I couldn’t be prouder of them. I feel so good be able to offer students the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports. So, as far as work goes, I have enjoyed taking on projects like this that are new and a little scary.

Thankful For: I don’t ever say thanks enough for my education. Money, status, material things, etc all come and go. No one can ever take my education away from me. Moreover, it has given me more than just an academic understanding. I have grown socially and civically because of my undergraduate and graduate education. It has taught me to question and to invest more time in my community and the people around me. I know it’s a large part of the reason I work in the field I do. It’s funny. It is not a matter of being “smarter” or anything like that. My education has taught me that I am always learning and I love it.
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