Well! Everyone's alive. That's good. I hope you're all well-rested after that busy night. We have sleuthing to do! Brainstorming! Experiments on the blue shit! I'll figure it out soon, Greg.
Dean can't help because he can't talk. Why anyone would lick a poisonous frog is beyond me... He'll be able feel his tongue again in approximately twelve
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How about a spot of breakfast?
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The best waffles I've ever had was Belgium, 1958.
Very, very delicious!
I think breakfast sounds like a good idea. Crepes, angel?
- Crowley
Poison frogs, yes. Why anyone would go and lick one is beyond me.
There are much more tempting things to lick, in my opinion...
Like Ice cream!
Oh certainly, ice cream is definitely one of them. *a bowl of vanilla ice cream with strawberries sits prettily beside the plate of crepes* Lollipops aren't too bad either. Poison frogs on the other hand can't taste very good, but who am I to judge. Some of my people would probably do it in a heartbeat. Not me! I think my taste is a little bit more refined than that.
- Crowley
Mm, yes, lollis are a nice indeed, though I find them well, just a tad...erm...phalic
- Number Five
Crowley though, oh he's very fond of it. Slept through the whole 14th century!
- Number Five
So, what did you do before ending in here? Besides taking care of Crowley, I mean.
- Number Five
Crowley and I recently helped avert the Apocolypse!
We were planning on maybe well, *retiring*. Getting a little cottage someplace. South Downs, perhaps. Oh I do love the ocean.
What about you? Why is your name a number? How did you become stuck inside a childs body?
You see, me and my brothers and sisters, we were bought up by this crazy rich man that raised and trained us to stop the Apocalypse. Though, at the time, we just thought he was trying to improve our powers by any means necessary for sadism.
I never cared for names like the others, though. It didn't make any difference to me, so I didn't get one. And after I jumped into the future and couldn't come back, well, spending a lifetime after the end of the world makes a name even more obsolete.
And the reason why I'm stuck like this is because I may have gotten my math wrong somehow when I managed to return to the timeline. I threw my conscience back into my 13 year old body. It wasn't supposed to be like that, but travelling through time is trickier than travelling through space.
- Number Five
Don't let me keep you from the coffee though.
And no one would be able to keep me away from coffee.
- Number Five
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