new role ideas

Sep 12, 2016 21:11

I've been kicking around ideas for some new roles -- or just slightly different versions of already-existing ones, in a couple of cases. I'd like some feedback on whether people think these sound like fun?


Thief: (Innocent): Trades roles with another innocent, who then becomes the Thief.

The player who is the Thief puts in a name during the night. If that person's role can be stolen, the next morning each player receives a pm with their new role. The targeted player is now the Thief and can steal someone else's role the next night. No names are revealed.

Edit: The Thief is NOT told the name of the person they steal the role from, they only get the role.

The Thief can't steal any assassin roles, Nexus (bounces as usual), or other state-of-being powers like Judas, Zombie, Sibling, BFF, Mason, etc. Any player using a nexus power that night is bouncy as usual; Bus Driver switches also affect targeting as usual. Role theft does not affect cupiding.

If the Thief targets someone whose role can't be stolen, the mod randomizes among the available innocents until a target is chosen. Through bounces/randomizing/lack of targets, the Thief *can* steal their own role.

If the Thief targets someone who dies during the night, the theft attempt fails. Role theft happens at the very end of the night timeline, after other night actions have been resolved. It does not affect lawyering or other voting-related nighttime choices that affect the day.


Judas: (Innocent): An assassin groupie

If successfully targeted by the assassins at night, the Judas becomes an assassin themselves.

If they are successfully lynched (as an innocent) during the day, the assassin kill that night will fail. This will not be announced, and the day post will just say that no one died in the night (as if the target had been successfully healed). If lynched after becoming an assassin, they're just a dead assassin.

There is no effect for any death but lynching and the assassin kill. They're just dead.

[I wanted to make this power a little more balanced, and I figured the Judas might be angry at their assassin "friends" if those assassins didn't save them from lynching. So this way, the Judas can help either side.]


Siblings: (Innocent+Assassin): Linked siblings

If either sibling is healed or lawyered, both are. If either is killed, both are. The Assassin Sibling knows the identity of the Innocent Sibling; the Innocent Sibling knows the identity of the Seer (but not the Assassin Sibling). (If the Seer power is stolen by the Thief or given to the Back-Up, the identity of the new Seer is told to the Innocent Sibling.)

Edit: Okay, this one clearly needs some more work. Anyone have suggestions about what I could give to the Innocent Sibling to make it worthwhile?

[I wanted to give these two something more than just the linked heals/deaths. The assassins might choose to protect the Innocent Sibling to protect one of their own, but might make them look guilty in the process. The Innocent Sibling might choose to protect the Seer, but they know the assassins are watching. I don't know, it worked in my head.]


Poisoner: (Assassin): Poisons someone who dies if not healed the next night.

(I saw this one mentioned in a post, but I couldn't find anywhere that it was actually played. So I'm not sure if it was or not.)

The Poisoner chooses a target to poison in the night. If successful, the poisoned person is named in the Day post, along with the information that they've been poisoned. If they are not healed the next night, they die at the end of the night and their death is announced in the next Day post.

Edit: Maybe as a limited number of uses, instead of a chance of failure?

The Poisoner has only a 50%-75% chance of effectiveness. If effective, the usual targeting bounces apply. If the target is healed the same night as poisoned, the poisoning is not successful.

A poisoned person who is not healed dies at the end of the next night, after their night roles have resolved (ie, a Vigi could shoot under these circumstances, a White Knight could go off, etc.) A poisoned person dies before the Thief steals roles.

[Too deadly for small games even at 50% effectiveness, I believe, but possibly good for 20+?]


I was also wondering if anyone had ever tried a day version of the Bus Driver -- so votes for one target count as votes for the other, and vice versa. I can't decide if that would be fun or too frustrating (or both).


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