Jan 11, 2011 12:36
School is very disappointing, frustrating and overwhelming to say the least. Yesterday was awful and today not much better. I have been put in a class where people have been studying Swedish for almost a year. The teacher speaks only in Swedish, so I spend most of the class trying to figure out what the heck she is saying. I had a test on body parts today, 24 parts that I had to learn last night, while the other students had already learned it earlier and this was a review. I got no review. I got the paper with the labelled body parts. Tomorrow I have a test on telling time. I do not know how to tell time, the teacher knows this. We briefly went over it for about 10 minutes. I also have to write a letter, I think to my boss, but I am not sure. I don't even have the vocabulary to write a letter. We also have to read outloud and when I mispronounce words I have other students laughing at me and then correcting it as well as talking over me while I am reading. I am beyond frustrated. Thankfully there is no school on Friday.. and I only have to get up early 2 more times and sit through 2 more stressful 4 hour classes where I don't understand much of anything,but am expected to pick it up right away.
I don't know what else to say. I was hoping this was going to be a good experience but so far it is not.