Sep 11, 2002 09:07
So here it is. We sit here one year later. All the feelings have resurfaced. Anything can make me cry today. The morning show I listen to just had a moment of silence at 8:46, and then started playing U2's One. That song has more meaning than i think the band ever thought it would. I am crying, listening to it.
I have a little note here for the evil doers that cause this catastrophe one year ago today.
You hate us. That is fine. You don't have to like us but you do have to respect us.
You can sacrifice your own people for your religious beliefs. You can call it a crusade. You can call it whatever you want. But in the end, we will call it our Victory.
Take our planes and our people. Put them thru buildings. Suicide Bomb us. Go ahead try. We will try to stop you. We will punish you. I AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU.
I will not live my life in fear. You don't scare me. You should be scared. When we finally recitify the situation you will have to pay. Not us, but God. God is definitely not afraid of you.
Your evil actions and beliefs do not hinder my life. You can can come here and take whatever you want, but you will not KILL OUR SPIRIT OR PATRIOTISM.
What we have is much stronger than anything you can attempt to do. You have guns, bombs, chemicals, and armies. We have Love, Support, Leadership, Patriotism and Trust. No gun can suppress that.
I pray for those you took from us. I pray for their families, and our country. I pray for YOU. I pray for YOUR SOUL. It needs it.
I believe Norman Schwartzkoff said it best
I believe forgiving them is God's function, Our job is to simply arrange the meeting"
I hope everyone can reflect on this day, and remember the important things in their lives. Im not trying to sound like a prophecy, or a martyr. I just hope that everyone can learn peace, love and pride. God bless.