I'll call you on your shit; please call me on mine

Oct 25, 2008 15:09

Last night I went to a house show.

An asshole laughed at me because I was drunk and spilled a droplet out of my beer bottle.

It wasn't a loud laugh, more like a snicker. Compounded was the rolling of his eyes and that weird sound when you compress your teeth and move the spit on your tongue around in your mouth.

I've met said asshole numerous times. Used to say hi when I'd been around him but the last time I saw him, I only got a head-nod while I gave a "hello".

In any case, maybe he had a bad night. Maybe he was tired. I know I was tired. I'm sick too. But you know, c'est la vie or something. I'm having a good time, hanging with friends, whatnot, and douchenozzle over here, who thinks I'm not worth his time because I once ate chicken in front of him and/or because I'm not in a band, makes me feel like a stepped-on Tootsie Roll because I was "wasted" and spilled some fucking beer on the ground. "PFFSHAW, THIS GUY COULD NEVER BE MY FRIEND. HE SPILLS BEER WHEN HE GETS DRUNK"

And you know, I'm not trying to gain his approval. I realized when we first met that we probably wouldn't have any sort of lasting friendship. He has always been standoffish to me, but I can deal with that the few times a year I see him.

What I don't understand is he is part of this community that is all about helping people out. Fuck, he's a vegan. He is privileged enough to make the choice to cut out eggs milk etcetera out of his diet yet eats up his fellow man for spilling a tablespoon of beer.

So many people like/claim to like this guy, and I just don't get it. I've never been anything but nice, or at least placid. Maybe he mistakes my quietude around him to me not liking him. That seems like a silly conclusion to jump to in my opinion. Yet, despite our rather innocuous relationship, he has never shown anything but disdain towards me.

Maybe he thought I wouldn't notice his face since I clearly didn't notice the bottle in my hand tilt diagonally. Unfortunately, when things move in my field of vision, I'm kinda drawn to them. I can't help it. I wonder if this is just me....

All I could do was watch him walk away. He was too far gone before I said "what an asshole" to the folks I was standing with. It's a pretty shitty feeling, realizing "hey, that was uncalled for. I should say something" but he was already way too far away and any attempt to make things right or call him out would just cause a bigger scene than it was worth.

Next time though, I'll be ready.
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