The ideas I get on next-to-no sleep. I tell ya.

Feb 22, 2010 01:39

So Chicago, beautiful Chicago (currently wet-and-snowy-and-beautiful Chicago), I have discovered, carries on the long-honored tradition of PBS stations rewarding children for their nocturnal perambulations with Sunday night Doctor Who. Or, in this case, rewards gleefully childlike volunteers whose roommates are thankfully not interested in controlling the television that late at night with 11pm Doctor Who. (Yet another reason I like living here more than California last year, where they aired series 2 and then just STOPPED AND NEVER GAVE ME MARTHA. Or Donna. Shameful.)

However, this presents a problem. Namely, this being-very-close-to-my-bedtime timeslot presents a problem. Because next week is Blink. Fuck.

There are two Doctor Who episodes which have creeped me out to no end. Yes, it's a children's show, yes, I'm 23, and yes, I know all about why darkness and the end of our consciousnesses and suddenly never seeing again anyone we love, especially if it's WE who are gone and THEY who are left to wonder, are common and effective psychological triggers. Suck it.

The Empty Child is creepy. Just the NAME is creepy, and that doesn't even get at the heart of the issue. It's all about how malevolent children are just wrong and how looking into the eyes of something that can kill you and seeing a void staring back is the most piss-inducing feeling of your life. And it's all about second chances and dancing/"dancing" and the way competition actually does inspire the best in us from time to time. That and The Doctor Dances are my two favorite episodes of the series thus far.

And Blink, Blink is BEYOND creepy. Blink is Jesus-Christ, why-did-I-ever-think-I-would-live-to-get-old-and-die-in-my-sleep, excuse-me-while-I-pull-the-covers-up-to-my-chin-and-whimper, where-is-my-mummy-and-can-I-crawl-in-with-her (FREAK ME OUT!!!) creepy. It takes away your most basic of functions and then makes you paranoid about everyday objects. It's fantastic.

So, I'm going to liveblog it.

Now, some people of my acquaintance ::coughpizzasenseicough:: liveblog important things like States of the Union, but no such fiddle-faddle for me, no ma'am. I'm going to begin my illustrious liveblogging career with a midsize-market rerun of an episode that first aired in 2007! Thankfully, it also happens to be a really fantastic piece of writing/concept in a pretty amazing television show.

In the interests of not spoiling anyone who hasn't seen the awesomeness for themselves, I'mma make a special filter for it. Comments are screened (in case anyone's embarrassed to have seen Doctor Who? Or embarrassed to be curious about my reactions to it?), so plz to be leaving one if you want to be able to see next week's hilarity. I promise there'll be wibbles!

chicago, doctor who

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