My Life: The MusicalCreated by
mrwiley and taken 733 times on
BzoinkShuffle your iPod to create your life musical.Opening credits: Get Well Soon- "I Sold My Hands For Food So Please Feed Me" Waking up: VersaEmerge- "The Reification Of Notion (The Realization)" Average day: Nat King Cole- "Unforgettable" First date: Noah and the Whale- "Do What You Do" Falling in love: Panic! at the Disco- "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" Fight Scene: David Bowie- "Everything's Alright" Breaking up: Chromeo- "Destination: Overdrive" Getting back together: Drowning Pool- "Step Up" Secret love: Sahara Hotnights- "That's What They Do" Life's okay: Finger Eleven- "Sense of a Spark" Mental breakdown: Dir en grey- "Mr. NEWSMAN" Deep thought: The Sounds- "Seven Days a Week" Flashback: The Bravery- "Fistful of Sand" Partying: Hit the Lights- "Talk us Down" Happy dance: Rogue Wave- "Phonytown" Regretting: Fair to Midland- "Kyla Cries Cologne" Long night alone: Katy Perry- "I Kissed a Girl" Death scence: Lady Gaga- "Paparazzi" Ending Credits: Muse- "Intro" You've been totally
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Create a Survey Some of these are hilarious to me. Like "Intro" as the closing credits.