thebroomecloset and i always joke that we both come from people whose response to tragedy is to show up with casserole...
we're heading down tomorrow to join his family for
his grandmother's funeral this weekend. we spent the early evening making
stuffed peppers and steamed lemon-pepper broccoli for ourselves, then he washed a ridiculous amount of greens and i made double batches of
spinach soup and
veggie bean rice (more of a medley than usual - we used kale/chard/collards mix plus black and cannellini beans) to take with us. i guess that's what "casserole" turns into when parsed with the contents of the veggie boxes.
i don't know if anyone will want to eat in; we may end up just going to restaurants for convenience, or because there's nowhere that has a kitchen big enough for all of us to sit. but somehow bringing food seems like the Right Thing To Do(tm). i wonder whether it's universal? judeo-christian tradition certainly embraces it, and i'm pretty sure it's part of hindu tradition as well. maybe it's one of those primal urges that transcends creed or culture.