if you're female, and you haven't had a pap smear in the past year - please go get one. if you're male, and you love someone who's female, ask her when she last had one...
i never, ever again want to hear a friend tell me they have stage 4 cervical cancer.
she has
HPV. which, apparently, 70% of everybody else has, too. which, apparently, doesn
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If you don't have a regular doctor, I highly recommend it. I've been seeing the same one for over 15 years now and she also takes care of K, C, J and now L. Because we all go to her, she has an excellent perspective on both the health AND welfare of all the members of our family. That meant my annual checkup included questions about quantity of sleep (because of a new baby) and stress (life with 3 kids). And because she's so involved with our family, she's INVOLVED with our family. L was having a problem (nothing serious and getting better), but the doctor CALLED US just to check up on him. She said she was having trouble sleeping because she was worrying about him.
Next year, my $COMPANY is reducing our medical insurance options to exactly one (1). That options only covers every-other-year checkups. So I'm going to be paying for it out-of-pocket. Yes, it's that important.
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