Oct 05, 2008 13:34
Cielo's stats at the point in the game I took him from, just past the airport:
Level 60 (shut up I like levelling)
Strength: 42
Vitality: 47
Magic: 56
Agility: 64
Luck: 46
What this means is that he has extremely high agility, high luck, moderate magic, low vitality, and terrible strength. I didn't bother unequipping his karma ring for neutral stats, but that's about right.
Standard skills he generally has equipped:
Consume (heavy damage and vores you)
Iron stomach (keeps him from getting a stomach ache from too much voring)
Mana walk (Restores MP just by walking around)
Null Ailment (He's weak to ailments. This nullifies it.)
Ziodyne (Strongest single-person electric spell)
Teradyne (Strongest single-person earth spell - Hi Bat :D)
(when he's by himself:)
Elec amp (Heavily boosts electric spell strength)
Diarahan (Heals single party member's HP entirely)
(when he's with his comrades:)
AP Divide (divides the karma you get from consuming enemies so that all of them gain some)
Mediarahan (Heals all party members' HP entirely)
Should he be anticipating a boss fight, he'd switch it around some. These are just his generic default ones.