Predominantly from
bottle_of_shine, but it's going around. I could use the getting back in shape practice.
1. Pick a letter and a corresponding word or expression.
2. Pick a fandom I can write and a character, characters, or a pairing.
3. I will write a drabble/ficlet for the prompt.
Any fandom you know I know. I know you know I know some.
A - For A
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Comments 8
G is for Gods - Watership Down - Fiver
J is for Joy - Ecco - Ecco and the Asterite
Captain Cully mentions Molly was skilled at illuminated manuscripts, weaving, viola, singing...all "gone to seed" by the time Schmendrick meets her. What was she like before living with Cully wore her down?
Molly Grue, accomplished artisan: I'd love to see!
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