Sep 07, 2016 08:43
It was a train, I think, because of the dormant memories of my viewing of Murder on the Orient Express coupled with my visit to the Railway Museum where I got to see similar trains up close.
One carriage. Multiple passengers. The beds - a Japanese size called the Economy Double - all lined up against the wall.
Our beds were beside each other, and we talked for the absolute longest time about movies. The clarity of his pronunciation of an English title was further compromised as the rumbling of the train on the tracks drowned most of his voice, and I actually leant forward to grab his head, angled my ear close to his mouth.
I can't remember what he said, which movie it was. But he told me.
It was late by the time the conversation finished and - this is where it gets weird - he invited me into his bed, and I just went without a second thought.
I remember me on top of him, fully clothed, and him running his hands down my back, telling me I was a little too chubby for him, I complained loudly in Mandarin: cold-shoulder, cold shoulder. He laughed.
There was no sex. I don't think it even crossed our minds. We slept.
Morning - I remember him calling for a friend who now lives in the US with his family, the one who used to work at a university in Tokyo, and weirdly enough, he was in the carriage too. He came over. I was on my stomach, face down in my pillow, feeling shy and wondering what on earth Nino was doing calling people we knew over to our bed.
From my side my pastor - yes, my minister, that pastor - approached me with a lease contract, asking for advice. I looked at it, said something to him. I felt horrible that my minister was seeing me in bed with my new boyfriend, yet pleased, because no backing out now, Minister saw us together.
Apparently in my dreams I'm not exactly me, because how the feck did I get schooled to advise anyone on property, I don't know.
My uncles were squabbling as they passed by the foot of my bed, and my cousin, 10 years younger, showed up to say hi. She was wearing a button down shirt with an emerald green stripe running across all its hems. I told her it was cute.
Nino finished talking to the US-resident friend, who was pointing to me, his entire manner screaming disapproval. Nino just waved him off and he went away.
I drew the covers on top of us. It blocked out most of the sunlight, and I found myself on top of him again. I can't remember what I said to him. Nothing sexual.
Another scene - a few of my friends came over for a chat. He was lying on his side on the bed, possibly playing a game. I turned to him, asked him to sing Japonesque. He might have, he might have not, I don't remember. What I do remember is lying down on the bed and pillowing my head on his round belly, smugly noting that he was chubby too. We talked about my uncles quarrelling. My friends offered me looks of sympathy.
Last scene - disembarkation. We walked into the terminal together. I split up with him to go to the toilet. As I was washing my hands I said to myself: I guess I finally have the motivation to lose weight now?
It's not every day I got to be the girlfriend of a member of Arashi. As this thought happened I also thought about how I wasn't just Passerby A - I actually have connections to the entertainment industry, I'm not a total stranger.
Two of my friends from secondary school were in the toilets with me, and we were talking through the doors of the stalls. For some reason one of them kept poking my ribs and trying to tickle me. I laughed, asked her to stop, started leaving the toilet. I felt a poke in my ribs again, turned around, she wasn't there. Another poke. I spun around, catching her. She giggled. I was still walking, but then I realised my bag was unbelievably light. I looked into it. It was empty. I looked at the floor. All four of my items were strewn on it, and I moaned: WJ... - friend's name.
I bent down to retrieve my things, the thought Nino's waiting for me at the back of my mind. All my things were purple. There was a satin scarf that was a rich plum colour, with what might have been fruit illustrated on it. I can't remember. There was also a box of those Ricola cough drops, they must have been berry flavoured because it was purple as well. I don't remember the other two items, but there were definitely four.
My Aunt Ivy was waiting for me at the doorway of the toilet, suitcase in tow. She told me that my uncles were at it again.
Epic dream, huh?
The moment I woke up, I was like, "Oh, ew."
I almost never dream of any of the Arashi members as romantic partners. There was one other time where I was married to Aiba, but even that didn't feel like romance. This one with Nino was a tiny bit romantic, I'll have to admit that.
I'm thankful it was devoid of sex. I know what being sexually attracted to someone in a dream feels like; this was definitely not it, and I thank the Lord for that. Arashi isn't like that to me. It feels incestuous to be doing things like climbing on top of them under a set of sheets.
Some of the reactions Nino had in the dream, I evaluated upon waking up, were very similar to how Watermelon speaks in real life. I might have been projecting. I don't know.
Makes for an interesting story, though.
P.S This isn't new to me, but it might be to you - I dream in great detail.
P.P.S I think I've made enough entries on the topic for there to be an 'Arashi dream' tag.
for dream,