Has anyone realised

Feb 05, 2010 01:11

Hey you guys!

Has anyone realised Nino is speaking a lot of Kansai-ben?!

Haha... Although I have to say, it is not something too hard to pick up. I was in Kansai for five days and on the third day I shocked myself by saying "おかしいやん" instead of "じゃん" and I was like huh. XD

By the way, I really think that it's so interesting how Japanese is so much like Singlish. Hahaha. I mean, you probably won't find polite forms in Singlish, but don't argue with me that stuff like "Iin janai no" doesn't translate perfectly into "not good meh". SERIOUSLY, CAN? Or even "Kore wa watashi no" - isn't that "this is my one"?! SEE. ぴったり。

Okay now I go koonz liao. (よっし今すぐ寝る。<---SEEEEEEEE?!)

language, 二宮

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