I gotta say, BLFC was pretty darn awesome! Got to meet up with a number of folks I don't often get to see, and in general just has a blast. Well, it was awesome right up until I went out in my triceratops suit on Sunday, and got a really strong bear hug from someone I didn't know...for the second time that weekend. They hugged me so hard and awkwardly that my lower left ribs audibly cracked, ached for a few days after, and for the past week my insides around the lower ribs on the left side will hurt off and on, though most noticeably when I lay down to go to bed. Personally I'm guessing it's a bruised spleen, but that's just my best hypothesis at this point. I really don't want to go into the doctors and have them do thousands of dollars worth of tests to tell me that I just got to wait until it heals, which usually takes a few weeks (according to the internet).
Don't worry, it's slowly getting better, and I promise there's no internal bleeding making my abdomen bulge out. I'm just fat. >.>
But, in more positive news...NEW SUIT! Weeeee!
He's a triceratops named Smudge, and it was a lot of fun to debut a new character and fursuit at a large furry con! I'm still waiting on the pro photos from the con to get posted, but that will probably be a few weeks until they are available. So in the meantime, here's a shot I took myself right after I unpacked the suit.
If you got hugged or rammed by this mysterious dino, now you know why! I hope everyone had a smashing time at BLFC, because I certainly did, and plan to head back there next year! :)