(no subject)

Jul 06, 2005 12:14

I got my bikini yesterday, and it owns everything. Uhmm....I'm going to the pool today, I guess, and that's probably all I'll do that's really worth mentioning. Ugh...he's awesome. shew.

01. What is one thing you fear? Sometimes I'm scared of the dark.
02. Have you ever been to Neopets.com? Yuh.
03. Do you have a MySpace? Mhmm.
04. Do you think MySpaces are pointless? I guess not since I have one.. 
05. Have you ever been arrested? No.
06. Do you know what the color chartreuse looks like? ....uh no. 
07. Do you have a pet cat? Yes I do.
08. Which is worse: George Bush or Bill Clinton? Bill Clinton. 
09. Have you seen all of the Star Wars movies? Not seen one of them.
10. Have you ever won any contests? Uhm...I don't think so. None that mattered, anyway.
11. What's your favorite NFL team? I hate the NFL.
12. Have you ever done any drugs? Yeah, I took Lortabs when I had my teeth pulled last year. But...it wasn't like, all rebelish and stuff.
13. Ever been to Mexico? Nope.
14. Do you think Shakespeare is interesting? Yeah, a little. 
15. Where was your mom born? Not sure, I want to say Knoxville.
16. What's your second best friend's middle name? I don't know who my second best friend is. haha
17. Have you ever met anyone who actually likes pop up ads? You need a life.
18. What's your favorite pizza place? Pizza Hut.
19. Has your favorite NHL team ever won the Stanley Cup? I don't have a favorite, they're all stupid. 
20. Would you ever go on Fear Factor?  Yeah.
21. What's your favorite pie flavor? Apple or pumpkin.
22. What kind of printer do you have? I don't have a printer here, but at dad's it's some big fancy thing that I can't even turn on.
23. Have you ever held a Fender Telecaster in your hands? Never have.
24. Do you have a pet hermit crab? I used to have one.
25. What's the fourth digit in your phone number? 9
26. Which do you prefer: freezing cold or hot and humid? Hot and humid. 
27. Do you currently have a crush on someone you can't have? I don't know if I can have him or not..
28. What perfume/cologne do you wear? Different kinds.
29. Have you ever watched Dora the Explorer in spanish? I hate Dora. 
30. Have you ever read Lord of the Flies? No...
31. Did you actually like it? It probably sucked, from the sounds of it.
32. What was your favorite cartoon when you were 10? Rugrats probably.
33. How many different email addresses have you had? just 3 I think.
34. What's your lucky number? I don't have a lucky number.


Has the best hair? Page.
Is the most boy-crazy? My friends aren't stupid.
Has the closest taste in music to yours?  Page.
Has the most different taste in music from you? uh... not sure. 
Has the most siblings? once again, I don't know.
Has the most pets? I have a lot of pets, myself. 
Is the most outgoing? My friends aren't...outgoing.
Is the shyest? Dakota, probably.
Has the most twisted sense of humor? My daddyyyy. 
Snores really loud? Page says I snore, but I personally don't agree.
Loves scary movies? Page and Tonya.
Talks on the phone the most? I have no idea.
Most likely to talk to strangers? Tonya.
Most likely to get a tattoo? I think all my friends would get one.
Most likely to become a doctor? Katie.
Lives farthest away? I dunno.
Has the neatest room? Page's room is cool...but mine is cool, also.
Is the most creative? I...have no idea.

**~LeT'S StArT wItH tHe BaSiCs~**

1. What's your FULL Name? Rachel (censored) Blair.
2. Where do you live? East Manchester, ho!
3. How many candles were on your last cake? 13, 'cause I didn' t have a cake this year. 
4. What day do you blow out the candles? January 4th.
16. Do you have a "group" you hang with? I don't hang out with hardly anyone, so I guess not.
17. If yes, what group are you in? Are you trying to label?

**~ClOtHiNg QuEsTiOnS~**

31. Favorite Brand of clothing? Haha, ohhhhhh that's just asking for drama. 
32. Is there a mall near you? Not really.
33. If yes, Name of the mall? Fayette and there's one in Knoxville.
34. Ever been to Mall of America? Pffft, I wish.
35. Are you a shoe freak? Not really.
36. Do you buy clothes to fit in with the crowd? Not as far as I know. 
39. What color do you wear most often? I wear a lot of blue.
40. Do you always match? I guess..?

**~FrIeNd QuEsTiOnS~**

41. Who is your best friend? Alina.
42. How long have you known them? about 5 years. 
43. Name one reason you like them as a friend? Uhm...she's like me, only brunette.
44. Where did you meet your best friend? School, I think.
45. Do you have a boyfriend or Girlfriend? I guess I don't.
46. If yes, what is their name? uh..I said no.
47. If no, who is your crush? He knows who he is.
48. What do you love about your b/f, g.f or crush? I don't actually love anything yet, I guess. He's really awesome and stufffff though. 
49. How long have you been with your b/f or g/f? I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!.......yet.
50. Where did you meet? a'sfna'sfa'jroea'jr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UP YERS.

**~WhIcH dO U pErFeR???~**

82. Eminem/Dr.Dre: Neither!
83. Tommy Hilfiger/Abercrombie and Fitch: Abercrombie, uhhhhcourse. 
84. Boxers/Briefs: Boxers are sexy.
85. Heaven/Hell: Heaven.
86. Cell Phone/Pager: Cell phone!
87. Email/Mail: Mail, 'cause it's more...I dunno, genuine.
88. Shoes/Sandles: Shoes.

**~WhAt cOmEs tO mInD WhEn u sEe:~**

128. Love? I
129. Hate? don't. 
130. Cheerleader? feel 
131. Fun? like
132. Candles?doing
133. Hot? these
134. Cherries? k
135. Handcuffs? thx
136. Sarcasm? bye
137. Fat? !
138. Whore? ! 
139. Hard? !
140. Tight? !
141. Black? !
142. Lick? !

**OfF tHe WaLl QuEsTiOnS~**

147. Do u like your mother? sometimes. 
148. Was your childhood bad? Kinda.
154. Ever see Mr. Rogers? You know it.
155. Did you like Nickelodeon b4 it got bad? Yeah I lived on it.
156. Do U wear braces? Ugh...shove it, ho.

**ThE EnDiNg 30 QuEsTiOnS~**

172. What is one thing you are addicted to? Mountain Dew. 
173. Did you ever trip someone for fun? Yeah, but they never actually fall all the way.
174. What's the greatest memory of your life? November 28th.
175. What comes to mind when I say New Years Eve? Shane and Page.
176. Name one of your ex's? Travis Marcum.
177. What went wrong? What didn't go wrong...ugh
178. Are you sad you broke up? Kind of. but it's not really important now.
179. What time is it? 12:50
180. Are you tired? a little.
181. Do you have a blankey? Nope. 
182. Do you have a teddy bear? Uhhh...no.
183. Did you name it? I DON'T HAVE ONEDSA'FHOSA'FJ
184. If yes, what it's name? uhm...k
185. What are you listening to right now? Full House
191. What is your favorite game? I hate games.
192. Do you believe in ghosts? Wes tries to get me to, but I'm not fully convinced yet.

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