Feb 09, 2009 16:20

Cho, Rach, and Me drove out to go see a concert last night. It was ridiculously awesome!!! The bands were VersaEmerge, There For Tomorrow, The Cab, The Maine, and We the Kings. The venue we saw them at was actually pretty small, so it was really personal and close. We ended getting there like ridiculously early and it was soo cold. We also took forever to park b/c the first public parking place we found didn't have any numbers on the spots so we couldn't figure out which spot to pay for.

VersaEmerge: I only had a vague knowledge of this band before hand, they were pretty good. For the first band they had alot of crowd involvement and as the set got on you could tell people were getting more into it. The band itself was really good, the guitarist were amazing. but i'm not too sure how i feel about the lead singer. You couldn't really hear the lyrics and her excitement felt a little forced but all in all not a bad set.

There For Tomorrow: I knew their one song Pages, for the Warped mix. They were good, they had a decent about of crowd invovlment, but it seemed like know one knew the words to any song...

The Cab: Amazing, they actually sound better live. Singer's mic broke so he had to steal Ian's. Ian didn't seem to happy about that. They were soo good and the crowd was really into it. Cash was ridiculous Ian had an amazing guitar solo, that words can't describe. The only real problem i had was during the set Ian light up a cigrette between songs and the since he didn't finish it he stuck it in like the head of this guitar and played with it there for like 2 songs before taking another drag and getting rid of it. It really bothered me that he smoked onstage. I didn't know he smoked, and w/e its his choice but don't do it on stage. kthnx.

The Maine: I LOVE THIS BAND!!! before the set started John O' walked up to Garrett and slapped his butt. There was so much 'stage?' gay between them it was adorable. They sounded the best i've heard the live so far. And the crowd was into it more than any of their other shows, i have a strong feeling that a lot of ppl came just for them. which sweet!!

-My friend threw up during the last song The Maine played (she's got some heart problems and they make her dizzy and shit) so we watched We the Kings from a different less crowded location. (It turned out to be a blessing in disguise)

We the Kings: To be honest the first couple songs they played kinda sucked, the crowd wasn't into it and Travis? (the lead singer) seemed really off, and his vibe was totally forced. Cash from the Cab came out and rapped w/ their guitarist? and after that they played Mr. Brightside. Thats what got the crowd going, after that they played their popular songs and reallly kept the crowd.

Right before We The Kings set i looked behind me and noticed Singer was standing roughly 3 feet behind me. I freaked and told my friends and we all freaked collectively and after much angst walked over to say hi. Right as we walked up to him this girl did said hi and he hugged her, the talked a little and she left, as soon as she turned away this large girl 'ran' over and hugged him. It was really funny b/c he was facing us. He had this helpless, trying to be polite face on. But you could tell he was totally uncomfortable. After she released him, he looked over at me and my friends,  we were like riight next to him, then liked waved and half smiled before darting out the door. It was kinda funny, but disappointing b/c we couldn't really talk to him.

Not even like 2 songs into the set i noticed the guitarist, Blake, of VersaEmerge was standing behind us. I once again told my friends, and we awkwardly stared. We debated on wether or not to walk over and say hi, we felt really bad b/c we couldn't remember his name and we didn't know if it would be weird to say hi and not know his name. Eventually I conviced them to go with me to greet him. HE HUGGED ME!!!!!! and we talked for a little. He's soo nice, and was kinda shy. He said he was glad we enjoyed the show, and seemed genuinly shocked that we recoginized him. I can't over it. I was smiling ridiculously after he hugged him. I felt silly, but happy!!!

I loved that it was a smaller show, as i'm kinda used to like staduim shows, cause after the concert a bunch of the guys were just hanging around outside so we met more of the guys. I think we ended up meeting at least one guy from every band. Over all it was by far one of my favorite concerts.


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