Well, now that I got my political irritation out, I will say "Hello" to the lovely new people from the
Merlin Friending Meme.
My name is Alissa, and I currently live in Cambridge, MA. I am 26 and work part-time at a pizza place while I look for full time work (victim of the economic downturn, but that's okay) and ponder a return to school. I have my B.A. in Geology but I'd be going back for Environmental Science.
Anyway, I generally use this journal for fandom-related things, like my recent forays into writing fic. I still find the fact that I am actually writing anything rather funny asI had long labeled myself Not A Writer. Having been around various fandoms, on and off, for 10+ years mostly as a lurker, my level of participation in Merlin related stuff still surprises me (in a good way). The first fic I ever read was in 1999, just after Star Wars: The Phantom Menace came out, so that's where I started out.
Anyway, I also love to read, am a pretty avid sea kayaker (out of season right now, though) and really enjoy just walking around the city. I'm not a photographer in the sense that I've had training, but I also like to take pictures while doing one of several outdoor sports (hiking, paddling, etc) or of interesting things I find around my hometown.
So I hope that is enough of an intro. It's hard to pin oneself down in a post, and I am out of practice! I did have an LJ that I kept for years, so maybe I just need to get back into the swing of things.
Oh, and I'm DarthRocky over at Twitter if you're into that kind of thing.