Project Sarurun

Jul 09, 2009 16:05

You've heard me babbling on and on about the crane chandelier, well now it is done. Except I really need your help.

What is Project Sarurun?
Project Sarurun is a grassroots arts and craft campaign project that uses the power of art to bring change to the lives of children affected by war. The main focus of this project is to create chandeliers, each made from 1,000 paper cranes, to represent the accumulated hopes of people who wish to work together to bring peace and well being to children trapped in conflicts around the world. Chandeliers are auctioned at their completion and all proceeds go towards a charity that works toward a similar cause. Learn more here

Where does the money go to?
Organization name: Namaste Kathmandu
Founders: Xeno Acharya, Dean Gadda
Year Founded: 2007
Location: Portland, Oregon
Field: Paurakhi Gaun, Kathmandu, Nepal
Mission Statement: To provide health, education, and employment opportunities to victims of civil war in Nepal.

Learn more here

Please help me promote this project as much as possible. The auction will be on eBay and begins from the midnight of July 12th to the midnight of July 19th, 2009. The price starts at $50.00, not including shipping.

Pictures are here.
Promotional materials are here.

I am absolutely fail at making info pages, but please please please help me spread the word.
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