Dec 23, 2008 18:41
Current things I'm addicted to:
Spider SolitaireFreecellPyramid SolitaireRoodoku [neopets]Give Free Rice
Did you know that in high school I managed to go from level 1 all the way up to level 200 something in a week for freecell? YEAH, NOT HEALTHY. I even emailed the programs to my friends and deleted them from my computer. I can't do this anymore. I've wasted so much of my life on these computer games and right now I'm really, really trying to resist going to Start->program->games->freecell and get my mojo on. But srsly Jazzy you gotta stop. ;-;
Why can't I be addicted something less stupid. Like maybe writing essays. I wish I could actually be addicted to writing essays. Or making burritoes. :D