Jul 27, 2006 08:53
1.Where did you take your default pic?
Found it on google and it made me laugh
2.What exactly are you wearing right now?
tracky pants, my nightie and a jumper-I'm sexy
3.What is your current problem?
Stupid gall bladder is playing up again
4.What makes you most happy?
Seeing the kiddies laugh
5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Take on me- Reel big fish
6.Any celeb you would marry?
Dont know about marry but there is some pretty sexy ones
7.Name someone with the same birthday as you?
This guy named Ben from my high school
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
No cause I think they would all die from noise polution
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Fat Albert, no just kidding not that I can think of
10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
Are you serious my kids are four and one thats all I watch
11.Do you speak any other languages?
Apparently evil jibberish when I'm sleeping
12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?
My Nanna, I loved her so much when I was little and feel that
she watches over me
13. Do you ever watch MTV?
14.What's something that really annoys you?
Stupid people and people that say stuff thats without consideration
for others
Chapter 1:
1. Middle name:
Sseb, Bessy Boo boo and hey bitch-a
3.Current location:
At home (melton)
4. Eye color:
Chapter 2:
1.Do you live with your parents:
No thank god
2.Do you get along with your parent(s):
Dad, no Mum I do now but never used too
3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced:
4.Do you have any Siblings?:
2 Brother, 2 sisters.
Chapter 3: Favorites
1.IceCream: boysenberry
Dont know not to hot not to cold
whatever is cheaper
Chapter 4: Do You..
1.Dance in the shower:
No I just stand under there and enjoy no interuption from the kiddies
2.Write on your hand:
3.Call people back:
Not as much as i should
4.Believe in love:
Most definately
5.Sleep on a certain side of the bed:
Yes always on the left of Dean
6. Any bad habits:
Swearing and not exercising enough
Chapter 5: Have You..
1.Broken a bone?:
2.Sprained stuff?:
3.Had physical therapy?:
4.Been to rehab?:
5.Taken painkillers?:
Yes after having my c sections with both the kids you kind of need it.
6.Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling:
No but I'd love too
7.Been stung by a bee:
Yes on the bottom of my foot and man it hurt
8.Thrown up at the dentist:
No but how funny is it when you go to spit into the sick and it just goes all down you.
9.Sworn in front of your parents:
Are you serious, this is me your talking about :)
10.Had detention:
So many times it was ridicious, especially since I left in year nine
11.Been sent to the principal's office:
That would be a yes
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last:
1.Movie(s) you saw:
cant remember but the last show I watched was Deakyns show one piece
2.Person to text you?:
I think Mum
3.Person to call you:
Butchinda (Belinda)
4.Person who hugged you?
Dean of course
5.Thing you touched:
Keyboard and Allyra sitting on my lap
6.Thing you ate:
Haven't eaten anything this morning but I ate malteasers last night (yum)
7.Thing you drank:
Coffee with a teaspoon of milo, I always have that first thing in the morning
8.Friends you consider really close to you:
Belinda without a doubt
9.Friends you miss the most that have moved:
my beautiful animals, scotty, ziggy, krammer, riff raff, cassy and jezzy.